Values, Beliefs & History
First United Church of Christ in Northfield, MN, is a thriving community of faith seeking to practice the courageous love and justice of Jesus. As we journey together…
We SEEK to understand the mysteries of Christ and the Triune God.
We SHARE our faith, our gifts, and our lives.
We SERVE our local and global communities.
We are bound together by a covenant and a common purpose, not by uniformity of belief or doctrine. And we are part of the United Church of Christ, a dynamic Protestant denomination that has often been a leader in extending the Good News of the Gospel to all people.
As a community of faith, we covenant together with God and one another, trusting in God’s continuing guidance, to seek to understand and do God’s will, to explore the mystery of Christ, and to witness to God’s reconciling love.
As we live our faith together, these values help define what it means for us to practice Jesus’ love and justice:
- Continuing Testament: Our faith is 2,000 years old, but our thinking is not. We worship a God who invites our whole being, head and heart, into the life-giving path of Christian discipleship. God spoke through our ancestors of faith, and God is still speaking today. We honor all that we know about our world today, and we listen carefully to our ancestors and to one another to hear what God is saying in our time.
- Social Justice: We are committed to working for economic, racial, and gender equality. We are guided by visions of God’s realm on earth: a realm where everyone is accepted as they are, everyone is valuable, everyone is enough. Taking steps towards this realm will lead us toward a true peace, a Just Peace.
- Extravagant Welcome: We are an Open and Affirming church of the United Church of Christ, meaning that we strive to be welcoming to all people, including the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community.
- Caring for God’s Creation: As Christians, we are called to care both for other human beings and also for the creation on which we depend. Humans are altering the earth’s climate, and we are committed to working with others who are trying to lessen the effects of these changes on human beings and creation.
“Our History Continues: The History of First United Church of Christ Northfield – 1965-2022” is now available online! Please find it on Carleton College’s Digital Collections by clicking here.
Click here to read the PDF Version. Hardback copies are available for sale in the church office. If you’re interested in purchasing a copy, please contact Kate at
This history has been lovingly compiled by First UCC members Scott Richardson and Margit Carson Johnson. First UCC is deeply grateful for their service to our church and community.