Accepting Everyone

Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey,
you are welcome here.

Finding Actionable Hope

Ready your hands, feet, & heart to make a difference in the community & the world.
Learn more about ways to get involved. 

Welcoming All

With programs for people of all ages, there is a place for you here.
Come and visit us soon.


First United Church of Christ in Northfield, MN, is a thriving community of faith seeking to practice the courageous love and justice of Jesus.


All Saints Day

Sunday Worship Livestream

Sunday mornings at 10:30 a.m.


Sermon and Service Archive


Register & Save the Dates for 8-9th Grade Confirmation

Are you an 8th or 9th grade student, or do you have one in your home? Are they curious about what the church, Christianity in general, or the UCC in particular, are about? Are they curious about why we do what we do, or why it matters?

Confirmation orientation for 8-9th graders and their caregivers/parents will be held on Wednesday, November 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the library.

Confirmation classes will be held on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30 p.m. after the 5:30 WFFF meal from November – April. Breaks that align with the Northfield Public School schedule are built in. Find the schedule here.

If you’re interested in registering for Confirmation this year, please click here!

Confirmation Sunday. will take place during worship in May 2025.

Volunteer for Coffee Hour

The Coffee Hour Team needs you!
Please consider volunteering for Coffee Hour after worship on Sundays from 11:30 – 12:30. Annie Kramer will be there most Sundays but needs help specifically with serving and clean up. If you are interested and available to help, please click here to sign up.
Thank you!



Welcome to the photo library. Here you’ll find our an array of content from First UCC from Mindful Moments to Pride celebrations retirements parties.

First UCC Events

Carrie Newcomer concert, Pride in the Park, retirement parties, special services, community services, and more. See how committed First UCC is to the Northfield community!

Mindful Moments

Looking for some peace? Maybe you need a little motivation or some reassurance. You’ll be sure to find a little bit of everything here!


Ruth’s House provides transitional shelter and support for women and children in crisis. If you need help, please call them at 507-332-2236.

Donations (monetary or physical items) and volunteers are also always needed!

Click here to learn more.

Sarah’s House is an offshoot of Ruth’s house and is a safe sober living space in Northfield. It is designed to help women transition to healthy independent living.

Click here to learn more.

Community Action Center (CAC) is a wonderful resource for community members who are looking for aid in any shape or form.

CAC has branches in Northfield and Faribault. They are always accepting volunteers and donations!

Click here to learn more about the CAC.

Stepsister AA

Are you or someone you know struggling with alcohol addiction?

You are not alone.

Stepsisters of Northfield are here for you. Meetings are held on Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. and Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. at United Methodist Church.

NA Meetings

Narcotics Anonymous meetings are held here at First UCC on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m.

If you or someone you know are interested in attending a meeting, please contact Kate in the church office at 507-645-7532 or at


Out in the Open

Our very own Pastor Cindy Maddox appeared on the Out in the Open podcast which is hosted by Northfield’s very own Mrs. Moxie, talking about faith, religion and spirituality.

read more