Children & Youth

God Loves You. You Matter. Nothing Can Change That.

Children and youth are vital community members at First UCC. We welcome children to the front for a special message from the pastor during worship, and encourage participation in the activities of worship. There are opportunities for children, youth, and families to learn and grow to together. Read on to learn about how you can get connected!



How do I get my children involved at church?

For kids in pre-school through fifth grade, Children’s Faith Formation is available Sundays at 9:15 a.m. September through May. Faith Formation starts with a time of gathering and singing, scripture, and a snack, followed by a choice of classroom activities for kids. Click here to sign up!

Are there opportunities for kids and families outside of Sundays?

Yes! Events for families with children, as well as intergenerational events, happen throughout the year. Subscribe to The Chronicle e-news and keep an eye on announcements on social media and in the bulletin for upcoming opportunities.

Middle and High School Youth


How do my middle and high school kids get connected at First UCC?

Youth Group for 6th-12th grade youth meets September through May. All are welcome!

Youth Group will be split into two sections this year: Middle School (6-8th grade) and High School (9-12th grade). Middle School Youth Group will meet every Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. while High School Youth Group will meet 1-2 times per month. More details to come!

Meet up in the Middle School Youth Room on the middle level. Click here to sign up!

Does First UCC have Confirmation classes?

7th and 8th graders have the opportunity to participate in the Our Whole Lives (O.W.L.) curriculum and Confirmation, which are offered in an alternating two year cycle. Youth may choose to participate in one or both of these; one is not required for the other!

Our Whole Lives (O.W.L.) is a comprehensive social and sexual health curriculum developed by the United Church of Christ. It is open to all 7th and 8th graders, and 11th and 12th graders, whether or not they are connected to First UCC.

Confirmation will be offered in the 2024-2025 school year. Confirmation classes will begin in November with Confirmation Sunday in May 2025. Signups will go out in September 2024. Check back soon for more details! Questions? Contact Associate Minister Rev. Lauren Baske Davis.