A message from Chris Breault, OutFront Minnesota (via First UCC’s Open and Affirming group):
Just like that, we have time traveled into the future to a new year! Hopefully the holiday season both found and left you well. With the new year comes new opportunities. Right now, we have the chance to show up united and loudly exclaim that we will not go back to being in the closet and living as second-rate humans. By standing together in an unbreakable chain, we will not be broken by homophobic, transphobic, or general nastiness.
We have received the same question time and again: What can I do? The most simple action anyone can do is to show up. Show up to school board meetings. Show up to town halls. Show up to events. Most importantly, show up for each other. By showing up we retain our places in societal view and state that we will not be forgotten, ashamed, or bullied into the ways of hate of the past.
There have been concerns brought up about both the incoming federal and state administrations. These concerns are valid, and the future can be scary when that’s all we focus on. Please give yourself safe places in your own life to step away from all that chaos. Also, please know that not only does OutFront Minnesota both have current legislative strategies, but contingencies based on what could happen in the future at a state and federal level.
If you’d like to take action now, please use our online form to contact your representatives to vote “No” on the Trans Sports Ban, HR 28.
We are also not the only ones. There are many groups coming together to stand united in face of adversary. Please connect with groups in your area for your protection, community building, and to form our unbreakable chain. Here are some of the organizations found throughout Minnesota.