The First UCC Men’s Group is a group of older men who want to talk about their lives, values, and issues ranging from the personal to the wide world. Our group brings a variety of personal reflections, backgrounds, and perspectives to these discussions. We meet on a regular basis three times a month. For a variety of reasons, some members prefer to meet remotely; we have found Zoom to be useful in giving us a valued shared experience. The 1st Monday of each month is a check-in; people talk about any health issues they have and just generally about what’s going on in their lives. This meeting has been an important support for many people. The 2nd Monday meeting is an open discussion; people just talk about a variety of topics that they’ve been thinking about. Both of these meetings occur via Zoom at 3:00 and go until 4:00.
The 3rd Monday meetings are always on a topic provided by one of our members who has volunteered to lead the discussion. Since 2020, these meetings have also been on Zoom; but starting this month, they will sometimes be in person at First UCC. For our June 19th Meeting, Ed Langerak will lead the discussion and provide a reading in advance. The group will gather at 9:00 am and finish at 10:30.
The readings and topics vary depending on the interests of the person leading: a poem, short story (or chapter), current event or issue. We have added a number of new people to the group over the past few years and encourage anyone who is interested to join us. If you’re interested please send Jim Rafferty an email at